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Stanze, arredi, oggetti. L’intérieur nel mondo slavo (a cura di Emilio Mari)

V. 13 (2020): Stanze, arredi, oggetti. L’intérieur nel mondo slavo

VCHUTEMAS - Scuola di design dell'avanguardia russa: ricerche e sperimentazioni nella progettazione di arredi e ambienti (1920-1930)



The article is devoted to the development of the Higher Art and Technical Studios (VKHUTEMAS) during the 1920s-1930s, and it illustrates the methods of training employed there. At that time, the theory and practice of Russian design developed in the field of furniture and interior equipment. The article considers the background and the factors that influenced the development of furniture design forms in the style of Russian constructivism, as well as the avant-garde art trajectory during this period.